Game Terrine

I owe this to IPC's Horse and Hound!

I started to develop an interest in cooking relatively late in life. Some years ago I saw by chance the following recipe in the Christmas issue of Horse and Hound and as I was bored and love game terrine and it all seemed to be pretty straightforward I thought why not give it a try. All of my friends who REALLY knew how too cook (one of them with a degree in domestic sciences) squeaked in anguish that THEY would NEVER have tried anything like that because it was much too fussy. However, it worked a treat and has again many times.

To quote a friend who is a professional cook and home economist and who has encouraged me all the way: "Everybody who can read, can cook as well!"

Serves 6-8

450g/1lb raw boneless game, such as duck, venison, pheasant, rabbit
1 onion finely chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
25g/2oz butter
1 egg yolk
450g/1lb minced belly of pork
55g/2oz fresh white breadcrumbs
1 tbsp fresh thyme leaves
225g/8oz chicken livers (use duck or goose livers if you have them, soaked in milk for 30 minutes
85g/3oz pistachio nuts, shelled
450g/1lb rindless smoked bacon rashers, thinly sliced
For the marinade
port and/or red wine
bay leaf
onion slices

1. Marinate the game overnight in red wine or port, together with the bay leaf, onion slices and seasoning. Remove and pat dry, then trim to remove all fat, skin and any sinews.

2. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/ Gas 4. Cook the onion and garlic in the butter until softened. Reserve eight to nine good pieces of game, then blend the remaining game, egg yolk and onion in a food processor, until combined.

3. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl and add the belly of pork, breadcrumbs, thyme leaves and chicken livers. If using duck or goose livers, lightly sauté in butter before adding. Mix together well and add the pistachio nuts. Season generously-a terrine tends to need plenty of salt.

4. Grease a 900g/21b loaf tin and line, crossways, with the bacon rashers. Spoon in X of the mixture, then cover with a few pieces of reserved game pieces. Repeat layering until the tin is full, then fold the bacon rashers over the top, adding a few more lengthways, if necessary to cover top completely.

5. Cover the loaf tin with buttered paper, then foil. Stand in a roasting tin and pour in hot water to come halfway up the tin sides.

Cook for 1 1/2 hours or until the terrine juices run clear when pierced with a skewer. Cool, then weight down to flatten. Keep covered in the fridge until ready to turn out. Slice to serve.


Für eine 25 cm lange Königskuchenform. Am besten mindestens am Vortag zubereiten, damit sie richtig durchziehen kann.
500 g Rohes Wild ohne Knochen (Fasan, Hase, was da ist!)
1 Zwiebel feingehackt
1 Knoblauchzehe gepresst
1 El Butter
500 g fetter Schweinebauch
ca. 60 g frische Weißbrotkrumen
1 Tl frische Thymianblätter (es tun auch getrocknete)
ca 225 g Geflügelleber (Enten- oder Gänseleber vorher 30 Min. in Milch einlegen)
85 g geschälte Pistazien
ca 450 g Bacon oder grüner Speck
Rotwein, Zwiebeln, Gewürze, Lorbeerblatt für die Marinade

Wild über Nacht marinieren. Ofen auf 180°C vorheizen. Zwiebeln und Knoblauch in Butter anschmoren, einige gute Stücke Wild zur Seite legen, den Rest mit der Butter-Zwiebel-Knoblauch-Mischung in der Moulinette ganz fein hacken. Den Thymian, die Brotkrumen, die Pistazien und die Leber untermengen (Enten- oder Gänseleber vorher in Butter sautieren), gut vermengen und kräftig abschmecken. (Terrinen brauchen viel Salz!) Die Form fetten und mit den Baconstreifen oder dem dünn geschnittenen Grünen Speck auslegen. 1/3 der Mischung einfüllen, dann einige der zurückgelegten Wildstücke hineinlegen. So weitermachen, bis die Form voll ist. Die Speckstreifen oben quer darüberlegen und falls nötig - weitere dazu legen, bis alles bedeckt ist. Form aufstampfen, um evtl. Luftlöcher zu entfernen. Gut mit mehrfach gefalteter Alufolie verschließen. Bis über die Hälfte in eine Wanne mit heißem Wasser stellen und im Backofen 1 1/2 Stunden garen oder bis der ausfließende Saft klar ist. Flüssigkeit gründlich abgießen. Beim Kühlen beschweren.